Bethany Lutheran Church
Deer River, Minnesota

Visitors & New Members
Picture by Rich Anderson
Welcome! We hope you will find Bethany to be a welcoming community while you are on vacation or if you are looking for a church home.
Here are some things that may be helpful to know:
We welcome people of all ages, genders, races, sexual orientation, and places in the faith journey.
Worship is at 9:30am on Sundays with traditional music, spoken liturgy, a children's message, Scripture passages based on the Revised Common Lectionary, a life-applicable sermon, Sunday School for children during the sermon and communion on the first and third Sunday of the month, along with major holidays.
Find your fit by joining in a group or participating in different events. There are opportunities for youth here.
Consider becoming a member at Bethany if: you are able to regularly attend worship, want to deepen your faith life and desire to be a part of Bethany's community life. A new member class is held every few months - check the Events page for updates or inquire with Pastor Lisa.
Being a member at Bethany means you: get a mailbox! (this is usually the highlight for most people); are able to vote in all congregational meetings; have reduced rates or no fees for using the building for weddings, club meetings, etc.; are included in the church pictoral directory and most importantly, can continue to grow in relationship with God and experience intentional Christian community. It is expected that members worship regularly, participate in the life of the church and give generously to further our mission.